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1178. Mar 11, 2008. Tuesday. 5 pm. Went home. Active. Advised hand feeding of nutritious food in small amounts every 2 hour & good care. No scavenging. Family members are very happy and grateful. | 1177. Dog seems to have good chance of survival. However, she will not eat by herself. Not dehydrated. |
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1176. Mar 10, 2008. Monday. Surgery. Wakes up fast when only gas anaesthesia is used. Use least % maintenance gas (to effect). Very fast surgery to minimise risk of death on the operating table. | 1175. Mar 10, 2008. Monday. Dog rehydrated after 24 hours. Sausage lump palpated. Mild lower abdominal pain. Owner did not want X-rays/blood test. All family members informed and met at 1 p.m. prior to surgery in case the dog dies on the operating table. |
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1174. Mar 9, 2008. Sunday. Skin was not supple before rehydration with fluids. Tongue cyanotic. Immediate surgery would be high risk as the dog will die. But the womb may perforate and release pus killing the dog. But the dog would likely die on the operating table. Family would be most unhappy. | 1173. Mar 8. 2008. Saturday. A female 4-year-old Lhasa Apso could not open eyes at 10 pm at all. Past 2 days, sticky pus from vagina. Rushed to a vet opening past midnight. Vet 1 diagnosed pyometra. Advised a blood test and immediate surgery. Owner would not want the blood test and waited till the next day to consult me. |